Keys and Technologies / SPV Company Ltd
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  • Keys and Technologies

    Ключові платформи ABLOY

    key platform
    Ключові платформи MUL-T-LOCK

    key platform
    Система Майстер-ключ

    Master Key
    Electromechanical system CLIQ

    system CLIQ
    Keys contol

    Keys contol
    KNOCK N'LOCK technology

    KNOCK N'LOCK technology

    Технологія WatchLock

    Modern solutions for safe closing

    The concept of modern mechanical closing is based on three main ideas. Firstly, in the foundation of secure closing are based high accuracy and secrecy of the locking mechanisms. Secondly, for the purpose of access control and property safety, locking cylinders are combined into Master systems, and the keys are stored in the key control systems. Thirdly, to achieve the ultimatum level of security, the mechanical closing should be strengthened with the innovative electromechanical technology. 

    Master Key system - the foundation of access control

    High Security standard lock cylinders provide many features and options that can at times improve the level of comfort and control at the facility. In particular, the construction of the Master systems. Master Key system - is a modern mean of access and security control of movable and immovable property with a single key. All lock production at the facility should be integrated in the Master system. While constructing the Master system, High Security cylinders with a lot of combinations are used, allowing you to achieve a greater level of security. One key will open the entrance and interior doors, padlocks, locks for furniture, etc. Bulky key chains are no longer needed.

    Control and storage of keys

    In order not to lose the key to the Master system and to prevent the ingress of key to the off-site, you need to take care of its storage. To store and control the entire spectrum of keys from the movable and non-movable real estate, professionals recommend the use of specially designed for this systems: KeyWatcher® from MORSE WATCHMANS and MUL-T-LOCK® Traka 21.

    Features of key control systems:

    - Prevent from ingress of key to the off-site;
    - Minimize the risks associated with "human factor": the loss of a key, theft or unauthorized duplication;
    - Lead a quality events audit.

    Technology for objects with special security requirements

         1.  CLIQ®

    If there is a need to particularly safe close certain movable and immovable objects and to hourly control the access to them - the problem will be solved by CLIQ® technology, using which you can create "islands" of High Security. CLIQ® technology allows to provide temporary access, access according to the graphics, promptly deny/provide the keys with rights to open facilities or premises and to audit the events. CLIQ® technology is available on the ABLOY® and MUL-T-LOCK® key platforms and can be easily integrated into an already built mechanical Master Key system. CLIQ® technology – is a complete access control solution based on the High Security Standard mechanical cylinders combined with a secure electronic locking and identification. 

         2.  KNOCK N’LOCK®

    KNOCK N'LOCK™ - are electromechanical locking devices, which are based on the technology of wireless transmission of the encoded signal. The access code is transmitted using acoustic signals, propagating in a solid medium (metal, wood, glass, etc.). Billions of possible code combinations and their encoding using a special algorithm ensures an extremely high level of protection. Unauthorized manipulation with the KNOCK N'LOCK™ lock is completely eliminated due to the fact that the locking device has a concealed mounting without any external signs and through holes on the product. The use of the entire spectrum of KNOCK N'LOCK™ products will build a comprehensive security system.

    Protection against unauthorized cutting of keys

    Choosing locking products, it is worth thinking about service support and additional keys cutting. Patented key platforms from the leading manufacturers of security products are supported with the service support in the Authorized centers throughout Ukraine: professional advice, extra keys cutting, recoding of cylinders, developing the Master Key and One Key system, and so on. Protection against unauthorized duplication have only the patented keys. Patented key blanks are produced only in manufacturing factories of the products and their sale occurs only through the authorized dealers and is strictly controlled by the manufacturer.

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